TAPinto Camden Digs into HVHA during the Pandemic

Despite Pandemic, Nick Virgilio Haiku Association Inspires One Stanza at a Time | TAPinto 2020-07-29 12-44-06.png

Needless to say, the transition into a pandemic world has been a radical one, for us and so many other non-profits. That said, even in the chaos of the times, people are watching for how arts education and appreciation continue to flourish. Last week, NVHA had the pleasure of being highlighted for our own efforts in pushing forward our programming.

A huge thanks to writer and reporter Steven Rodas of TAPinto Camden for his interview with board member Robin Palley. There, our recent online initiatives, support of Mighty Writers Camden’s amazing efforts and grant successes are all covered.

Please support them and us by taking a look at the article here.